Ok what to say here except I MASSIVLY failed again at blogging. I swore that I wouldn’t abandon this blog like I did with my first foray into blogging but lo and behold I did. I can write all the excuses and reasons I want but I’m pretty sure that I used those in my last two blog posts. How many ways can someone say that life just is busy, hectic, insane, and ridiculous? Add in being a single mother of three and it turns into being chaotic. But I really want to make an honest go at this. Even if this never gets read by anyone but me it’s still a good outlet. Going back and reading what I wrote previously is always eye opening. It’s amazing how fast time goes when in the moment it feels like it is taking for-bleeping-ever. So instead of me apologizing I am just going to pretend that this is the beginning.
Well quick overview of who I am: single mom of three, full time worker, avid cooker, shoe junkie, tattoo enthusiast, etc. I was pursuing a degree in photography but decided on a more stable, yet ultimately more boring, career in medical management. I yawn even writing that but I need the stability for my kids. Doing the dating thing again and banking on this time it working. You have to always think positive but my track record after the ex has yielded a crazy person, then a minor stalker, then a two time felon! Yeah this time around I’m going to meet prince charming?!?
My oldest, Little Man is 7 now and I really need to stop calling him Little Man, seeing as he is a whopping 4’ tall already. Plus his feet are a whole inch and a half smaller then mine! Seeing as I am almost 5’ 8” I thought I would have a while before he would be looking down at me. Nope predictions are by the time he is 12 I get to stand on a chair to yell at him! He’s in first grade now and rocks in school. Top of his class and even likes to help out the other kids with math. At least we will have one math whiz in the house since I am math illiterate! I have calculators and internet for all that junk J
Then there is my mini me who is the Punk Rock Princess of the house. And yes you have to have the Punk Rock in front of the princess to make it okay with her. Biggest tomboy with loving to get dirty and play outside but has to be wearing a dress the entire time. Now living in freezing cold MN this tends to lead to many fights at 6:00a.m about having to wear jeans! And that is where her mini me name comes from. My 4yr old already has my attitude and my snarky sarcastic comebacks. Plus she knows how to turn any argument in her favor. I am in for a ride once she hits the teenage years!
Finally there is my little monster. My youngest is now 15months old and has to be the center of attention. As long as you are giving her that she is pretty chill and calm but the minute your not paying her attention she will either do something ridiculous or loud to get it back. And thanks to her lovely Aunt, who used to get her to stop crying by doing the “devil/growl” voice (
think Anna Faris in House Bunny), she now loves to run around growling at people! Always a good conversation starter though.
Well there’s the intro into my own little fam. I already have another blog post stewing in my head so until tonight or tomorrow chickies…