Well for quite sometime now I have been unhappy with my job. I have worked for the same company for over 5 years. Originally I worked full time in the office but ever since my move I was working part time from home as a way to help them out. Well I had called into the office yesterday on a completely unrelated subject to then be asked if I could come in and train my replacement. This came out of nowhere and I wasn't even going to be told until I drove into the office. Which is more than an hour round trip and close to 60 miles! Not only have I been going out of my way to accommodate them but then I find out that they have been looking for a replacement for awhile and had hired someone over two weeks ago.
No longer having this job is not the end of the world but what has me upset is the way it was done. Maybe just a heads up that they were replacing me would have been decent. A phone call or at the minimum an email. I guess if I really think about it I shouldn't be surprised on how this all went down. The owners of the company have gone from upstanding respectable married couple to divorcing bitter owners who were, and could still be, practicing illegal billing practices. I don't know for sure since I am so far removed from the office but it is my experience that people who get away with something once tend to revert to doing it again. This is no longer my concern seeing as I am no longer an employee.
The immature side of me hopes that they crash and burn but the mature side of me just doesn't care anymore. Mr. Big gave me some of the best advice, "Yes it feels sucky to be laid off and yes the way they went about it was utter bullshit but look at it this way... We don't really need the income and now all the headaches and stress associated with the job are gone." As simple as that sounds it was perfect.
No matter what has happened or what is to come I am going to be fine. I have 7 munchkins who always know how to make me smile and the worlds best boyfriend who knows exactly what to say to make me feel better no matter how crappy, angry, stressed, or sad I feel. Plus another bonus now I have even more time with my munchkins and maybe I can get to all the cleaning, crafts, and projects I have been planning and pinning on pinterest! I may even get back to blogging more :)
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