Well damn I feel like a douchette right now. It has been over a week since the last blog post. I swore that this time around I wouldn't do that. In my defense however, this chick has been BUSY. No joke it has been constant running around and doing crap.
My Grandmas 90th birthday is coming up next week, June 9th, and Unc had decided a while ago to plan a surprise birthday party. Well the creative members of the family would be Oops and myself so guess who has stepped up and been planning their asses off for the last month. Yep that would be our two genius selves.
Its not like we both have nothing to do, on her end she is going through the deployment of Army Man and all that entails plus her school crap, then you have my end which involves being a full time single mommy, full time worker, and add in my school crap and damn I don't think either one of us has been to bed before 1a.m in the last two weeks. If my predictions are correct tonight will be an all nighter or if we are lucky we will get a couple of hours of sleep. We still have to make the food that we are responsible for, a cake and cupcakes, t-shirts, and road signs.
Oh and try to get to the gym every night for at least an hour, can't forget that. This is mainly my fault. I went a little tattoo crazy recently, went from zero to five in about a month, and the last two were both on my feet so no tennis shoes for a total of three weeks. That three weeks was up a week ago and I have been busting my backside as much as I can. I go in next Thursday to start my back piece that will keep me out of the gym for at least five days. This will be multiple sessions so I for sure have to plan my life down to the minute for the next month and a half or so.
I swear normally I would have a crap ton of insanity to write about but with everything going on lately I haven't been able to venture out and just let loose. This weekend I will be around a ton of extended family so I am positive that craziness will ensue. Not to mention that I have a babysitter for a couple hours Saturday night so hello bar and Buckhunter! I will leave you with this lovely quote that happened to spew out of my unfiltered mouth last night "I love my pole and always want to be close to it". Yep I have said worse but this was the most recent.
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